The OB Christmas Parade was last night and OB was out in all it's glory. We had a great spot across from Hodad's..... enjoy the pics.
The Dog Wash crew went for high production values with the new balloon....

While Surfrider opted for the personal touch as an army of volunteers passed out tide books to the crowd. Here's Belinda working the magic.

Hodad's lent their famous micro-bus to the San Diego Derby Dolls....

While one of the crowd favorites made their annual appearance--The Ocean Beach Ladies Lawn Chair Brigade who are "Folding for Freedom". Check out their moves and the patriotic lawn chairs.

I wish I had the camera out faster for this one... The enormous walking robot giraffe! Check out the guy in the drivers seat--this thing was huge! He had speakers built into the legs, lights flashing, and the crowd went wild as he "walked" it down Newport Ave. I'm watching for him next year....

Trucker chose to watch this year, instead of marching with the Dog Beach dogs. He liked the horses & motorcycles--aren't those are big, loud dogs, Truck?!

Some other highlights were the tiny hot rod kids with customized (and loud) hot rods, the guy who went the length of Newport balancing on a giant bouncy ball, the OB Off-Key Choir, Sunset Cliffs Surfing Association Band, playing Lowrider & Wipeout, the OB Geriatrics Surf Club, all the classic cars, hot rods & choppers, and everyone else who had gigawatts of lights and ear-splitting noise. Only in OB!