Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Log for Miguel

9'5" x 23.125" x 3.125" singlefin log for Miguel. Note: these photos were not taken in my yard.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New GH Bonzer

For what seems like the first time ever, I planned ahead and ordered a board before winter actually starts—can you believe it? Gary Hanel shaped up a 6'6" x 20.5" x 2.75" bonzer egg. He pulled in the nose a bit and foiled out the rails & tail nicely. Moonlight did the glass including that cool resin loop for the leash. Marlin from 101 fins hand made this nice set of five glass-on fins. Looks pretty good, huh?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

OB Sunset

OB Pier just after sunset. 30 sec exposure, two unnamed (but easy to figure out) filters used.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Diamond Tail

9'2" diamond tail for Joey. 60" long blended concave into rolled-V in the tail. Subtle brown striped resin tint by Jay in North County. Enjoy it, Joey!