Sunday, November 4, 2007

I want one, too!

As long as I was shaping a quad fish for Jared, I decided that I want one, too. This one is 5'9.5" x 20.5" with a pulled in tail, no bumps, and a deep double to single concave. I gave it some extra love with the wax--can you see the koi?

Tested at Black's...this one has the Smooth Glide.

Extra special thanks to Rich "Toby" Pavel for all of his help on these boards. If you don't know, Pavel is the inventor of the Speed Dialer, and has probably done more for quad fish (and quad fish shapers) than anyone in the world. Beyond that, he's cool. Thanks Professor Pavel, you are the man.

1 comment:

yvette said...

Looks GREAT! never would have imagined all your talents would come together in this medium! :) l,m